Life At OLQA » Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir

choir collage

Angels in the Arts: Praising God through Vocal, Instrumental, and Theater Arts

Children in grades 3-8 from any school are welcome to join Our Lady Queen of Angels Children’s Choir. The choir is led by Mrs. Natalie Van der Roest, accompanied by Ms. Erica Kang, and Handbell Choir (grades 5-8) is directed by Dr. Patricia Lamb. Members learn healthy vocal and instrumental technique, musical notation reading and theatrical skills. In addition, they grow in Christian character and develop self-control, cooperation, kindness and commitment as well as cultivating a spirit of service to the parish community as leaders in worship. The liturgical and theatrical music is chosen with the goal of reflecting the values of our Church so that the children use their body, mind, spirit and voice to praise God.  
In May we will present the musical Detention! the Musical written by Michael Upward and Barbara Brennan.

We also offer an optional winter musical presenting Moana led by Mr. Michael Upward in collaboration with South County Performing Arts. 

The schedule is as follows:

  • Gaudete Singers (grades 3-4) - snack at 2:45, rehearsal in the Choir Room from 3:00-3:45.
  • Cantate Choir (grades 5-8) - snack at 2:45, breakout sessions 3:00-3:45 (handbells with Dr. Lamb, vocal and drama coaching with Mrs. Diane Sawyers), choral rehearsal and part-singing 3:45-4:45.

Click here for more information and to register.